What a time, hosting the 2021 VOGUE Fest A F T E R P A R T Y in our nowa concept store in Adelaide.
We put forward the idea for nowa to host the after party in our store, and Rundle Mall Management loved it. They had visited at our previous Age Of Exploration runway show and loved the idea of us hosting this event.
Adelaide DJs Barkada, the new hip/hop collective made up of club DJs, producers and rappers took control of the music and help turn our concept store into a full functioning basement club. Check out their instagram by clicking here.
The bar was operating with locally produced beverages from Adelaide Hills wineries and distilleries, a custom nowa Instagram filter made as a virtual "photo wall.
This time we kept the doors open and let anyone in who wanted in, and with restrictions still in play we ended up with a line out the front. We had a mix of some of Adelaides fashion industry figure heads, and customers who happened to wander down into our basement on a lunch break, and this showed us how diverse our community is growing.
Seeing the Adelaide fashion scene so vibrant and lively over the weekend was something sorely missed in the last 2 years. After missing last year due to COVID, and small brands being left on their own to survive, this beautiful resurgence of the fashion creative community was beautiful to see.
This party was designed to encapsulate nowa in its essence. No hierarchy, no favouritism, just good times for all to enjoy. A refreshing step in the right direction for the Adelaide fashion scene, and we're glad you could all be a part of it.
This party was also a clear definition of what our 'concept' store means, and that now is an important time for fashion labels to experiment what they are offering, and to really push that strong creative energy into multiple different avenues. At nowa, we're not offering just clothing, but a lifestyle directed towards happiness and being the best we can.